About Us

Hi there! At Scoopfed, we’re tech enthusiasts and writers who believe that technology should be fun and accessible to everyone. That’s the main reason why we started our technology blog back in 2014 – to showcase the incredible potential of technology and how it can make our lives better (and easier!). 

Because we live and breathe all forms of technology, we’re always on the lookout for the latest and greatest advancements, (which we love sharing with our readers). 

Our team of writers is passionate about technology and writing, so what better way to put the two together than a technology blog? When we’re not looking into exciting tech news, we’re probably writing about it! We aim to keep our readers informed about the latest trends in technology and provide them with helpful tips and advice. 

Originally, our small site only had basic blogs about PCs and gadgets, but as our readership grew, so did our range of blogs and articles (In fact, you can even find helpful laundry tips among our blogs).

But all in all, Scoopfed focuses on keeping everyone abreast of technology, by guiding readers and answering questions like, is colocation better than cloud services, and what are some safety and emergency tools for your vehicle?

Whether it’s a new app that makes life easier, or how to avoid the sleaziest internet scams, we’re here to tell you all about it. So if you’re looking for a go-to source of information and entertainment when it comes to technology, there’s nowhere better than Scoopfed.

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