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5 Landing Page Design Trends for 2019 and Beyond

As you construct a landing page, it’s only natural that you want it to serve its purpose and convert, right? Some would tell you that nothing matters more than the offer. But if you want to turn your site visitors into loyal customers, learning about landing page design trends have more significance than you know.

There’s a great amount of branded information available on the internet, and that’s why it’s significant to be different from the thousands of other landing pages available, all clamoring for the same audience.

That’s why it’s time to take a look at some of the best landing page design trends that took over 2019, and might just make an appearance again when 2020 comes around.

Landing Page Designs Matter

Proper optimization of the landing page starts with the right design. Online visitors form first impressions in just 2.6 seconds. Need we mention the importance of an eye-catching design now? In under 2.6 seconds, design needs to be attention-grabbing; so much that it convinces visitors to stay and look around some more.

And no matter the niche market, it’s no argument that the vast majority of your audience are visual people. Human beings remember pictures faster than other forms of media, and they do so with at least 90% accuracy.

Not only does a properly designed landing page will help your brand stay one step ahead of the competition, it can also impact user behavior.

And to do that, you need the latest landing page design trends that the digital marketing world has to offer.

5 Landing Page Design Trends

Design is what contributes to your website’s visual appeal. Standing out from the competition means keeping a studious eye on trends as they constantly change. 

There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all page design that will be effective for every digital campaign and product, but here are some of the landing page design trends that stood out this year. 

And as you take a look at these, perhaps it’s enough to glean some information and will help you create landing pages that convert.

#1 Customized Illustrations


The biggest trend in any form of design is authenticity. Stocked images and overly polished pictures are somewhat a thing of the past. Having an image appear too good to be true entails false promises (even if you don’t plan on them). Unique images provide more value, and makes your brand more unique. Plus, it would match your brand messaging better.

#2 The Art of Minimalism


You’ve heard it all before, “Less is more.”

In the concept of creating landing pages, minimalism isn’t anything new. Many times before, it has proven effective at delivering brand messages and communicating purposes much faster. This also means quicker success in marketing goals.

But what is minimalism really about?

The minimalist design includes containing important characteristics in one web page without overwhelming the visitor with so much visual information. And aside from looking splendid on mobile devices, the other two main advantages include:

  • Optimized web page speed: Even a one-second delay is enough to cause a 7% reduction in your conversions. Elements occupy loading speed. So, using a simple design is better for increasing the loading speed.
  • Better functionality: People’s attention spans nowadays last for 8 seconds. Fewer images, simple navigation, and lesser loading elements make it easy for people to understand information.

#3 Multimedia Content and Animation


What’s on the rise in 2019?

That’s right. Video creation.

Using videos for marketing are practically the new norm. And because of it’s popular, it’s no surprise to see that many advertising agencies in Perth, New York, Vancouver, etc are gearing towards designing video landing pages.

Videos attract audiences, explain and cover information, and also achieve marketing goals. And because landing pages are one of the first things people find when they’re looking for you, many brands have taken it upon themselves to include animation and videos to their landing pages so visitors can interact with them.

#4 Convenient Live Chats


In the process of designing your landing page, always think about how it can help first-time visitors make decisions that you would want them to make. Successfully advertising through a web page is just as much convenience as it is informational.

The goal is to always turn visitors into customers. And to that, you need to improve customer satisfaction; hence answering all questions through live chat. Setting yourself apart from your competitors means being what they aren’t. But all the time, be a convenient source of product or service help for your customers and provide information where needed.

#5 Visible CTA Buttons


To achieve goal conversion, CTA buttons are essentials. For a fact, did you know that more than 90% of your visitors read your headline and then your CTA copy?

For this reason, it’s important to make your CTA as attention-grabby as possible. It should contrast with the rest of your design while also maintaining that level of unity with the rest of the elements in a web page. Yes, this specific trend isn’t anything new in the world of conversion rate optimization, but it has never failed in providing results. Hence, us mentioning this here.

The Takeaway

The days of arduous customer acquisition is over. Now, it’s easier than ever to reach people across the world via the internet, and through your landing pages. It’s one of the tools you’ll need to attract new customers and keep loyal ones.

But as easy as it is to reach out, it’s also challenging to keep up with the competition — especially those brands in your niche who are far more established than you are.

Great numbers of businesses on the market make it more difficult to be heard through the noise of branded information if your landing pages don’t hold much sway.

So keep these landing page design trends in mind, and give them a try. Who knows, after all?

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Edna Webb

I am Edna Webb and I love technology. I have always been fascinated by anything that has to do with computers, gadgets, and software. This led me to study Computer Science in college and eventually become a full-stack developer and editor at I love to write about technology and share my thoughts with others. I also enjoy photography, eating different delicacies, and following tech closely.

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