
Pros and Cons of Dental Implants: Things To Know Before Getting Them

We all want that faultlessly straight and sparkly celebrity smile. But that can seem like an impossible dream for those of us with missing teeth. 

In recent years, dental implants have become one of the most popular ways to remedy that imperfect smile, and for a good reason. They offer several benefits over other methods, such as dentures or bridges.

Check out dental implants London Ontario to know more about dental implants and if they’re a viable option for you.  

People may be unaware that dental implants also come with some significant risks you should know you shouldn’t dismiss. In this post, we’ll discuss the essential pros and cons you need to know before taking the leap.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone. The surgery is usually a minor outpatient procedure and is relatively quick; however, it still has risks.

There are two commonly used dental implants- the endosteal implant, which is placed directly into the bone, and the subperiosteal implant, which rests on top of the bone.

The Pros of Dental Implants

They’re permanent

One of the main advantages of dental implants is their permanence. This practically means that your new teeth won’t slip out of place or fall off when you’re eating, talking, laughing, or kissing.

When dental implants are placed in the jawbone, they become connected with your natural bone tissue via osseointegration. In other words, the implants are fused with the living bone so that they become one unit.

This process is what makes dental implants so solid and durable – they can last for many years, even a lifetime! Plus, there are no worries about removing your denture for cleaning every night, like other restoration options.

They’re low-maintenance

Dental implants can be a godsend for people with a jet-setting, fast-paced lifestyle. That’s because dental implants are incredibly low-maintenance, giving you more time for other endeavors.

There’s no need to remove dental implants for cleaning or soaking, and they never get cavities! All you have to do is brush twice a day and floss as usual. Isn’t that convenient?

And if you didn’t already know, dental implants can also be whitened just like natural teeth using professional procedures such as the in-office treatments from your dentist (which may be covered by insurance).

They look natural

These days it’s all about the smile! With dental implants, you won’t have missing gaps between your teeth that make eating some foods difficult; your smile will remain beautiful even after years of wear and tear on natural tooth enamel.

Because they fuse with your jawbone and replace your missing tooth root, dental implants look and feel like your own teeth. In fact, dental implants are so natural that no one will even notice you have them.

They’re cost-effective

Yet another great thing about dental implants is that they’re cost-effective long-term. Dental implants usually last for a lifetime and are a one-time investment, unlike dentures and bridges, which require replacement a couple of years down the line.

This means you won’t have to keep spending money on more dental restoration procedures now and then, which is excellent news if you’re on a tight budget.

They prevent bone loss

When you lose a tooth, the bone that supports it begins to shrink and deteriorate. This is because the body no longer needs that bone tissue since nothing is occupying the space where the tooth used to be.

Dental implants can help prevent bone loss from happening by replacing the lost bone tissue and stimulating new bone growth. It does this by providing the same stimulation as your natural tooth root.

The Cons of Dental Implants

There are risks from the surgery

Dental implants are not for everyone and may not be suitable in all cases. Some people may find it difficult to recover from surgery or experience complications when getting the implants installed. Here are some of the risks you need to know:

Infection – If proper post-operative care is not taken, an infection may occur. Some symptoms may include redness, swelling, drainage from the site, fever, and chills.

Nerve Damage – Nerve damage can occur during surgery, but the chances are slim, happening only in about 0.03% of cases. The effects are also usually temporary.

The dental implant procedure involves drilling into the jawbone, sometimes damaging the nerves. However, this rarely happens because dental implants aren’t placed too deep.

Peri-Implantitis – Like a periodontal disease, peri-implantitis occurs when bacteria accumulate around an artificial tooth root causing inflammation and bone loss near where the dental implant was placed into your jawbone.

Peri-implantitis could lead to further complications down the road, such as having all teeth pulled if the patient doesn’t practice good oral hygiene and upkeep.

Sinus problems – When dental implants are placed in the upper jaw and cause pressure on your sinuses, you can develop sinus issues.

These complications may cause headaches or pain on nearby teeth and bones during chewing food, and they may also feel like they’re being pushed outwards by their own weight.

In some cases, dental work will need to be done again after surgery has healed before putting them back together permanently to ensure that no future complications arise.

If you experience any of the abovementioned complications from dental implant surgery, you should contact your dentists London Ontario, immediately.

They’re more expensive upfront

Sure, they’re the most cost-effective solution long-term, but you’ll first need to spend more for the surgery.

Since the procedure is a surgical one and requires expertise, it naturally means it’ll cost you more than dental bridges or dentures. Costs range depending on where you are, but it’s safe to say dental implants are not a cheap procedure.

That being said, while the initial cost may seem high at first glance, consider that dental implants are designed to last for a lifetime without much maintenance required – so they’re definitely worth their weight in gold!

They take a long time to heal

The initial dental implant procedure takes about a year before your new teeth are ready for regular use.

This means that in the meantime, you’ll probably experience some discomfort whenever there’s any pressure or movement in your mouth while healing from surgery – especially if it’s been placed near where an old tooth was extracted.

Because of this, you’ll have no choice but to eat a soft diet for the first few weeks after surgery and avoid crunching down on anything hard.

You need enough healthy bone to support the implants

One of the main requirements for dental implants is having enough healthy bone in your jaw to support the implant post.

If you don’t have enough bone, your dentist may recommend a sinus lift or bone grafting surgery to add more before getting dental implants installed.

This would naturally mean more expenses. People who reasonably have no budget or desire for these additional procedures may instead opt for dental bridges or dentures.

The Final Verdict

So should you get dental implants? It really depends on your specific situation. But overall, dental implants are an excellent solution for replacing missing teeth and offer a multitude of benefits over other dental procedures.

If you’re considering dental implants, be sure to discuss all the pros and cons with your dentist to see if they’re the right option for you!

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Edna Webb

I am Edna Webb and I love technology. I have always been fascinated by anything that has to do with computers, gadgets, and software. This led me to study Computer Science in college and eventually become a full-stack developer and editor at I love to write about technology and share my thoughts with others. I also enjoy photography, eating different delicacies, and following tech closely.

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