
Health Benefits of Reading as a Hobby

Most of us would think that reading offers us a way to escape reality, and as a form of enjoyment. But what we may not realize in the process is the benefits that it brings to our over-all wellness. Yes, to our health. Reading as a hobby is an understatement. It offers a lot more. And more often than not, these make our lives a lot better, and even those of around us. It broadens our understanding of the world, and shapes our perception of many diverse things that we seldom notice, or give importance to. This makes a lot more sense if you are a conscious reader – someone who’s not passively reading through without some contemplation.

But regardless of how you take reading as a hobby, the truth remains: there’s a lot of benefits to reap in the process and after you’re done with the story. Good thing now, there are variety of resources where you can rely on. Aside from this traditional printed form, you may now shift to the modern platform – the e-books: both online and offline. It has ideal features that you’d surely enjoy. And here’s how it’s going to affect your health in general:
Improves Memory and Over-all Mental Health
Studies found that regular reading can improve neural connections in the brain, and it improves memory. This can benefit a person in several ways. With a good memory, anyone can function at the optimum level both in personal life and at work. Well, that seems obvious to state. But aside from that, people with some kind of depression or going through tough moments, can also find comfort from reading. When done as a form of enjoyment, it can divert sadness or loneliness into a relaxed state until it reaches the point of tranquility within. It is simply one of the best ways to attain good mental well-being – to say the least.
Helps a Person to Empathize Better
Sure, reading MTL novel can do wonders for the brain. But so is to the emotional aspect – the ability to empathize with others. As one learns to connect with the characters, say in a novel, the experience puts him right in the position to understand how each one feels in a given scene. In real life, this may be carried over -an attribute that can change the world if everyone is empathetic enough for one another. But not all have this ability, and so people who read the most are identified to be taking the forefront of this inner transformation.
Builds Vocabulary and Comprehension
The more words you know, the better you can communicate your thoughts with others – whether in personal or business communication. Isn’t that enough motivation to increase your vocabulary through reading? Yes, reading can work wonders in vocabulary-building and comprehension. This is a tool among writers, and a huge advantage for students as well. In almost all aspects of human life, the language facility is considered as one of the most important. And it just holds true, for all people across the world.
Reduces Stress to a Large Extent
If you’re having a rough day or a tiring week, then here’s one way to reduce that stress: Read something like online novel that you find interesting. As you immerse yourself in the story, you’ll forget all the bad things that add to the burden that you carry. And some passages in the content may not just entertain you, but also give you idea how to shift your thoughts when it’s necessary. The moment spend on reading is one that would take you to another dimension – where stress is not found anywhere in the book that you read.

Reading can Help Achieve Longer Life
How? Well, you have to know this: A study of over three thousand respondents composed of retirees found that those who read regularly live at least two years longer than those who do not. Isn’t that pretty amazing? Probably the best explanation is on what it does to the brain and even physical health of the person. As mentioned above, those number of benefits may add up and do exactly the miracles that are taking place within. We cannot over-emphasize that, as much as under-estimate it in the same manner. It’s just that the logic it suggests is the more we read, the better the chances of us living longer.
Everything you’ve read is evidence-based – science backs the claim. If you’re in doubt, you can do an experiment with yourself as a subject, then find it out yourself. You wouldn’t know what you’ll reap at the end of the story until you become a character yourself. But if you’re convinced already, then there’s enough reason why this hobby – or developing it – can do a lot more good for your mental and physical health.

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Edna Webb

I am Edna Webb and I love technology. I have always been fascinated by anything that has to do with computers, gadgets, and software. This led me to study Computer Science in college and eventually become a full-stack developer and editor at I love to write about technology and share my thoughts with others. I also enjoy photography, eating different delicacies, and following tech closely.

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